četvrtak, rujna 27, 2007


Chocolate Milk - a Sports Drink?

chocolate milkResearch from Indiana University suggests that chocolate milk is as good as sports drinks for recovery after intense endurance sports. Does this mean that chocolate milk is a healthy beverage?

I asked Felicia D. Stoler, MS, RD, host of the TLC program “Honey We’re Killing the Kids” her thoughts:

My kids love chocolate milk… so as a sports drink, it’s easy to get them to drink it for post-exercise replenishment… for carbohydrates, protein, electrolytes, vitamins & minerals. I’m not surprised by the study…milk is a pretty nutrient dense food with variable fat content. Low-fat chocolate milk is great for active people after a workout because its powerful nutrient package provides energy, protein, calcium and seven other essential nutrients (including potassium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and B12, riboflavin and niacin.) As we see with other sports beverages, people consume more if it is sweet in flavor! Chocolate milk can be quickly absorbed into the body. There is also great packaging for flavored milk which makes it a great grab‘n go snack (we always keep NESQUIK Ready to Drink in the fridge).

Chocolate Milk Cartoon Icon “Quickie” the athletic NESQUIK Bunny will be spreading the word on the importance of exercise and the health benefits of drinking chocolate-flavored milk by running in 6 races – three in NYC and three in LA from the end of September through the beginning of November. Quickie’s first race will be in NYC on Saturday, September 29th at the Fifth Avenue Mile.

I asked Ms. Stoler a couple of other questions kids, exercise and weight.

What other foods or beverages can have a similar affect on muscle recovery as chocolate milk and sports drinks?

Replenishment needs are really based upon the duration and intensity of the exercise… for exercise of under an hour, water is usually sufficient. Yogurt & cheese have a similar benefit without as much fluid (wash it down with water). Replenishment of nutrients can also come from foods one would have in a meal… there is not always a need for anything “fancy”.

What about childhood obesity? What can we do to help kids watch their weight?

Parents can lead by example… take walks together as a family, ride bicycles, swim, play sports together. Many towns have recreation departments that offer recreational sports & facilities that are low in cost to residents. Additionally, parents should be advocates for regular physical education in schools... no child should be left ON their behind! Turn off the electronics…television, computers, video games, etc. Turn on the music in your house & dance with your kids!Are there other foods that make tasty healthy snacks, are fun, and that kids of all ages love?

Can you give us some ideas for foods that make tasty healthy snacks, are fun, and that kids of all ages love?

Almost all kids love fruits, cheese, yogurts (esp the squeeze tube or drinkable varieties which are easily transportable)…even pretzels can be a good snack. Popcorn (air popped, microwave… but low fat) and whole grain crackers (a great way to sneak fiber into a kids daily intake). The 100-calorie snack packs are a great way to control portions – as long as kids only eat one or two a day!

More About Chocolate Milk

Daily Nutrition Tip
Thursday September 27, 2007 | permalink | comments (0)

Do You Need a Multivitamin Supplement?

Many experts believe that a healthy balanced diet will provide you with all of the nutrients you need. If you go to your local grocery store, pharmacy or big discount store, you will find rows of multivitamins and dietary supplements. Do you think you really need them? Is there any evidence that taking dietary supplements every day does any good?

Before you go out and buy a daily vitamin or other dietary supplements, read Do I Really Need to Take Vitamins? to learn more.

Poll: Do you take multiple-vitamin and mineral supplements?

Related Articles: Daily Nutrition Tip
Tuesday September 25, 2007 | permalink | comments (0)

Organic Foods

Organic foods are becoming more popular due to concerns about pesticide use, synthetic fertilizer and herbicide residues in our food. Growing food organically is more work-intensive and so it is more expensive than non-organically grown food, but many people think that going organic is worth the extra price.

Not all foods that have the word organic on the label are completely free of bad stuff. If you want to buy organic foods, take some time to learn what the word organic means when you see in on a label. Read Organic Food Basics to learn more.

Poll:Do you buy organic foods?

More About Organic Foods Daily Nutrition Tip
Sunday September 23, 2007 | permalink | comments (0)

Fruits and Vegetables for Healthy Eyes

healthy visionThere are very few good reasons for not eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Actually, I can't really think of any good reasons to not eat them. There is a long list of the health benefits you will experience if you eat fruits and vegetables every day.

One of those benefits is healthy vision. The antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin found in many fruits and vegetables will decrease your risk of suffering from the age-related eye diseases macular degeneration and cataracts.

Learn how to get more fruits and vegetables into your diet every day.

More About Nutrition and Your Eyes

Daily Nutrition Tip
Friday September 21, 2007 | permalink | comments (0)

Foods for Low Fat and Low Carb Diets

salmonLow fat and low carb diets are two popular ways to lose and maintain a healthy weight. Both diets can be very healthy as long as you include foods that are good for you. Low fat protein sources and low starch vegetables are both healthy and delicious.

Here is my list of the top ten foods that can be included in either a low fat or a low carb diet. I've also included some links to recipes from About.com cooking sites.

Poll:Which type of diet do you think is the healthiest?

More About Diets Daily Nutrition Tip
Tuesday September 18, 2007 | permalink | comments (0)

Healthy Salads

healthy saladAlthough summer may be ending, the thought of eating light tasty salads still seems like a great idea. A salad with greens, vegetables, fruits and nuts is perfect before a meal, or a salad can be the meal if you make it big with lots of healthy vegetables.

Eating healthy salads will help you to control your weight, too. Want to know how to make a salad that is high in nutrition an fiber, without a lot of calories? Here is how to create a healthy salad.

Poll: What is your favorite type of salad green?

Related Articles:Daily Nutrition Tip
Thursday September 13, 2007 | permalink | comments (2)

Nutritional Jungle

JungleI just read an interesting book by Cathy Schmelter, R.D. The book is called Cutting Thru the Nutritional Jungle is aimed at parents of children who are overweight and undernourished – parents who are in need of basic nutrition education.

Read my review of Cutting Thru the Nutritional Jungle

More About Kids and Nutrition

Daily Nutrition Tip

Tuesday September 11, 2007 | permalink | comments (0)

Healthy and Safe Fish For Your Kids

kidsafeFish is a terrific source of omega-3 essential fatty acids and protein so that makes it the perfect brain food for kids. Unfortunately, a lot of fish and seafood is contaminated with stuff like mercury and other toxins. Not only that, but many people feel kind of clueless when it comes to cooking fish.

That doesn't mean that you need to resort to fish-sticks to feed your kids. The people at KidSafe Seafoods have lots of information about which fish are the healthiest for you and your children. They also have several ideas for cooking delicious meals with fish that your kids will love.

How do I know? Last week I had the good fortune to take my kids to a delicious seafood picnic in New York sponsored by KidSafe. My kids are the pickiest eaters I know and they just loved the different fish and seafood dishes that were served. Learn more about healthy fish and delicious recipes at KidSafe Seafoods.

Delicious Fish and Seafood

Daily Nutrition Tip
Wednesday September 5, 2007 | permalink | comments (0)

Before You Buy a Cookbook

BooksI have to admit that I don't use cookbooks much anymore. I find most of my recipes online, or sometimes to my children's horror, I just make up the recipes as I go along.

Now and then I will dust off a couple of my old cookbooks and re-familiarize myself with some old favorite recipes. Occasionally I have the urge to buy a new cookbook. Until I see how many there are in the book store. Rows and rows of them, and it can be daunting to go through that entire selection to find the perfect cookbook. Low fat, low carb, high fiber, easy to cook, difficult to cook, baking, breakfast, one-dish, crock-pot, etc ... The list seems endless.

If this sounds familiar, you might want to read our low fat cooking guide Fiona Hayne's article on how to choose a cookbook before you head out to your book store.

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